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Vidéo - Cessna et Bombardier élargissent leurs gammes

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Cessna et Bombardier élargissent leurs gammes

DESCRIPTION : SPECIAL EBACE  Le marché de l’aviation d’affaires reprend des couleurs… Il devrait connaître cette année une croissance de 6%, de 12% à partir de 2014 ! La 12ème édition du salon Ebace qui se tient à Genève en Suisse jusqu’au 16 mai prochain a ainsi été le théâtre d’une guerre commerciale entre l’américain Cessna et le canadien Bombardier ! Les constructeurs ont ainsi présenté 3 nouveaux biréacteurs. 

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  • atHslkJMHe
    Posté le 08/02/2013 à 15h06

    In 20-20 hindsight, Boeing slohud not rely upon the unreliable. Boeing slohud have ramped-up and featured an ANA bird it would be better than what Qatar is doing, (you know your entry level customer customer ANA, back in June had 4 aircraft delivered that month. Even if Boeing Paid ANA for the two week delay, It is stupid to rely upon those who consistently leverage their positions on the backs of Boeing like QATAR. Air India would have been a horrendous choice for feature at Farnborough. Qatar got to be the belle of the ball on Boeing's tab before Qatar's delivery, just because Boeing wanted to show off a plush interior and then go replace all the finger prints with a new interior. How stupid is Boeing for pulling this stunt with Qatar. When Boeing's feature customer, ANA,would now be flying a show aircraft long ago and making money doing it. Don't show off with the arrogant crowd. That arrogance will bite you back, 10 fold. If you have a few hundred million to blow, go ahead and

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    Publicité :Safran 2017
    Publicité :aeronewstv-ListeNoire-2017
    Photo de la semaine par Spot’Air Eurocopter EC665 "Tigre" HAP - Armée de terre - Landivisiau FR

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