A bird violently smashes into a light aircraft’s windscreen, causing it to shatter. Watch this rare footage shot by a camera from the cockpit of a private US plane. Thousands of incidents like this occur every year. In an attempt to raise awareness of the risk to aircraft, the ICAO is holding an international symposium in Canada this month.
SpaceX launched ten satellites into low orbit on 14th January in the first phase of a constellation network of 81 satellites. By early 2018, these Iridium NEXT satellites could transform air traffic control, making it possible to know the exact flight position in real-time of all aircraft equipped with the GlobalBeacon system. Watch the launch video without comment. Read the article.
Following several incidents in recent months, electronic cigarettes are now strictly forbidden in the hold of an aircraft. E-cigarette users must keep them in the cabin - switched off of course.
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