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Video - Aboard Swiss’ First CS100 Commercial Flight

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The big day for Swiss came last Friday as the company launched the world’s first commercial flight for the Bombardier CS100. We were able to get on board to see what’s truly different about the aircraft.

Swiss’ Marketing Director, Markus Binkert, made the rounds of the 124 other passengers to gauge their reactions. For him, the CS100 has all the attributes of a long-haul aircraft.

Markus Binkert, Chief Commercial Officer – Swiss International Air Lines: watch the interview in the video.

Passengers fully agreed with these points. Watch the interviews in the video.

The CS100 prides itself in being the least noise polluting aircraft in its category. In the cabin however, it remains pretty average at, according to this passenger, a noise level varying 80 to 90 dB.Si le CS100 s’affiche comme l’appareil de sa catégorie émettant le moins de nuisances sonores, en cabine on reste dans la norme. Preuve à l’appui avec ce passager, le niveau de bruit oscille entre 80 et 90 dB.

Over in the cockpit, the pilots are quite happy with the manoeuverability or the aircraft in flight. They are also particularly pleased with the display on one of the four large LCD screens: it maps the position of their plane in relation to the rest of the airside activity when taxiing.

Jonathan Spreng, Captain - Swiss International Air Lines CS100: watch the interview in the video.

Swiss is the launch customer for the CS100.

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