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Toutes les vidéos de l'édition : « dassault aviation »

  • Dassault Aviation's "concept jet"

    The French Council for Civil Aviation Research (CORAC) recently brought together the key players in the French aviation industry, with the aim of establishing an overview of current research on aircraft of the future. Amongst them, Dassault Aviation caught our attention with a model which is currently undergoing wind tunnel tests.

  • Dassault unveils its Falcon 8X

    Announced last March under the code name "M-1000", Dassault Aviation unveiled its new, very long range jet, the Falcon 8X on 19th May. The aircraft which, for the time being exists only on paper, was presented in Geneva, Switzerland, on the eve of the opening of the EBACE business aviation show.

  • Dassault intends to make a killing with their 5X Falcon !

    Dassault Aviation has not come empty-handed to the biggest international exhibition of business aviation in Las Vegas. In their bag of goodies, the French manufacturer has brought its 5X Falcon jet which should make a complete break from existing aircraft.

  • What is a run-up ?

    Prior to delivery of an aircraft to the customer, aircraft manufacturers make what is called in the jargon: a run-up, during which, the engines are started and the aircraft’s electrical circuits turned on.


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