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Toutes les vidéos de l'édition : « combat drone »

  • Eurosatory 2016: drones and helicopter gunships put on a show

    The Eurosatory exhibition dedicated to the world of defense and security held in Paris is an opportunity for 1,500 exhibitors to showcase their products. Surveillance gyroplanes, flying buggies, military drones and helicopters.

  • Flight simulator for military drones lands on the market

    With the rise of the military UAV market through the world, the need for drone operators will increase. To train them, Silkan, a French SME, has developed a high-tech flight simulator that adapts to all types of drones.

  • US Navy successfully completes first drone in-flight refuelling

    The US Navy recently completed the world’s first successful in-flight refuelling of a drone, the X-47B, on 22nd April, off the East Coast of the United States.

  • Birth of future Franco-British combat drone

    The United Kingdom and France have joined hands in the development of a future UCAV. On November 5th at Dassault Aviation’s headquarters near Paris, the French and British governments gave a design study contract to six aeronautical manufacturers, to the tune of € 250 million, with the objective of defining a next generation unmanned combat aircraft within the next two years.


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