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Toutes les vidéos de l'édition : « Leisure drone »

  • UAV World Championships

    On 22 February, the world’s twelve best drone pilots competed at Miami’s American football stadium. On the programme were slaloms in the stands and corridors at speeds of up to 80 mph (130 km/h). Watch the video and read the article.

  • “Gimball”, the collision-tolerant indoor and outdoor drone

    This strange flying ball called “Gimball”, has just made one million dollars for its designers. This new genre drone won the first "Drones for Good" award in the World Cup competition created by the United Arab Emirates. Its characteristics are that it is collision-tolerant for use both indoors and outdoors.

  • When using leisure drones...

    Leisure drones, being the latest fad and costing between 30 and 400 euros, will probably be amongst the best-sellers destined for the Christmas stocking. However, can you use them anywhere and under any conditions ? We decided to find out...


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