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Toutes les vidéos de l'édition : « Farnborough »

  • Farnborough: Airbus slashes A380 production

    For the last professional day of the Farnborough Airshow, we’re going to highlight the A380 production slow-down, the Boeing centenary and some aircraft on site.

  • Clean Sky takes off at Farnborough

    At the Farnborough Airshow this week, the European research programme, Clean Sky, presented the status of several of its key projects. Amongst them are the Open Rotor, the laminar wings and the hybrid propulsion engine.

  • Boeing 787’s repeat performance

    Boeing’s Dreamliner has just carried out a stunning demonstration flight. With vertical take-offs, very steep banks and touch-down/take-off manoeuvres, the two Boeing test pilots had a field day. Watch the video. Read the article.

  • Bell V-280 & F-35 at Farnborough Airshow

    The Farnborough Airshow , UK, will take place from the 11th to 17th July. This year some 200 aircraft will be on the ground and in the air. Of these, the long awaited F-35 and Bell V-280 Valor will be presented.


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