A little more than three months after the ‘plane officially rolled off the assembly lines, the Embraer KC-390 prototype successfully completed the first flight on 3rd February. The Brazilian military transport aircraft took off from São José dos Campos where the aircraft manufacturer is located.
During the flight of a little less than an hour and a half, the two pilots and two test engineers on board, were able to assess the aircraft’s handling qualities and performance. Overall, the KC-390 behaves exactly like in the simulator.
Because of its size (35 metres /115 ft.) and its embedded technologies, the CEO of Embraer, Frederico Fleury Curad, seen here, qualifies the programme as the biggest technological challenge the company has ever had to meet since its creation, 45 years ago.
From next year, an order for 28 KC-390’s, from the Brazilian Air Force, will enable them to carry out various missions such as those of cargo transport, parachuting troops, inflight refuelling of other aircraft, or conduct scientific research.
Orders and intentions to buy for the KC-390 Embraer now total 60, and the military aircraft will soon be exported internationally. After Brazil, it will enter service with the armies of five other countries (Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Portugal and the Czech Republic).