With its Times Square, skyscrapers and 13,000 yellow cab, New York annually attracts more than 45 million tourists, some of whom, in wanting to see as much as possible of the "Big Apple", in as short a time as possible, often do not hesitate to go over the top, so to speak, as evidenced south of the city, by the incessant helicopters, toing and froing overhead…
The Extra 330-SC is the reigning world champion aerobatic title holder in all categories. This aircraft, which has been produced since 2010 by the German manufacturer Walter Extra, is a small technological jewel weighing under 600 lbs. (270 kg) capable of slicing through the air thanks to its 315 h.p. 6-cylinder Lycoming engine.
On 18th. May, in all legality, five wing-suited members of the Red Bull Air Force flew over Manhattan. At a speed of over 110 mph, these "bird-men" flew over the skyscrapers of New York before their parachute landing on a platform specially installed for the event on the Hudson River. Flight duration: two minutes.
The third round of the Red Bull Air Race took place about twenty kilometres south of Kuala Lumpur on 17th., and 18th., May over the lake at Putrajaya, the administrative capital of Malaysia; and it was with the colossal Putra Mosque as a backdrop that 12 of the world's fastest globetrotters thrilled the spectators...
With an area of only 150 m2, last year the Knuffingen airport located in Germany, welcomed over one million visitors ! All the biggest companies are there. Absolutely normal, as this is the largest airport hub in the miniature world ! It cost 3.5 million euros and required 150,000 hours of work. Come and see for yourself !
It was at Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, where the first round of the "Red Bull Air Race 2014" took place on 28th., February. In this unbelievable air race, the top 12 aerobatic pilots in the world at 360 km (225 miles ) per hour, slalomed between nylon pylons and gates. A spectacular show just a few metres above the turquoise waters of the Arabian Gulf...
After a break of three years, the Red Bull World Championship Air Race will make its comeback in the skies over Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, on 28th., February next year. Created 10 years ago, the competition watched by millions of thrilled fans was suspended in 2011...
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