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> > > How it Works? > Just how does a jet engine work ?

Video - Just how does a jet engine work ?

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The essential element of any vehicle lies in its capacity to create energy for it to move: In the case of aircraft, it's the engines that provide the necessary power for them to take off and continue flying. But how do they work?

Vincent Garnier, director of product strategy and market - Snecma (Safran Group): interview in the video. 

To create this thrust, the intake air moves through different parts of the engine before being ejected to the rear at high speed. Firstly, by passing through a compressor, and thence to the combustion chamber.

Vincent Garnier, director of product strategy and market - Snecma (Safran Group): interview in the video. 

This thrust pushes the aircraft and allows it to fly. Today, most of the engines powering the short and medium-haul's operate in this manner, but the LEAP engine has some innovations.

Vincent Garnier, director of product strategy and market - Snecma (Safran Group): interview in the video. 

A large amount of air taken in, a stronger and lighter material, these two innovations have had another major impact on the engine functionality; fuel consumption, which decreases by 15% compared to a that of a conventional engine - a significant advantage when it comes to long distance travel.

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