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  • Aircraft leasing: the various options

    After having taken an overview of the commercial aircraft market for lessors, let’s now focus on the various rental options that are available to airlines, namely: ‘‘Dry lease’’ and ‘‘Wet lease’’.

  • Synchronized machine gun

    Every Saturday, over the next few weeks, we will be putting a three minute report, produced by our editorial team and entitled "Men and planes of the First World War" online. The First World War, which caused ten million victims over four years, led to the development of military aviation. Feel free to comment on these reports.

  • Who are these giants of aircraft leasing ?

    Last August 27th., we talked about BOC Aviation, a Chinese commercial aircraft sales and leasing company, who has placed an order with Boeing for 80 aircraft. But who are these big spenders ? How many aircraft do they have at their disposal ? Who are their clients ? What are the advantages of this business ?

  • Author of ''The Little Prince'', Saint-Exupéry's last flight

    70 years ago, on 31st., July 1944, Antoine Jean-Baptiste Marie Roger de Saint-Exupéry, better known by the nickname ''Saint-Ex.'' disappeared in flight, off the coast of Marseille. On this occasion we take a brief look at this history making French aristocrat, writer, poet, and pioneering aviator.

  • Model Aircraft World Championship

    Between 19 and 26 July some exceptional aircraft were hosted at Marmande Airfield in south west France: an Antarès, Fouga Magister, De Haviland and even a Caudron G IV. But don't be fooled by appearances, these machines are actually models, flying models.

  • Red Bull Air Race : Hannes Arch over Poland

    The least one can say is that on 27th., July, there was a big crowd at Gdynia in Poland for the fourth round of the Red Bull Air Race. Not less than 130,000 spectators went to see the battle over the Baltic Sea between the top twelve aerobatic pilots in the world.

  • Military aviation during the First World War

    Today, July 28th., marks the centenary of the beginning of the First World War. The occasion for us to focus on military aviation during the conflict. In 1914, its role was relatively vague, but after only a short time several specialities began to appear : reconnaissance, observation, combat and bombardment.

  • How the number of aircraft passenger doors is determined

    On the occasion of Farnborough Air Show, in lieu of the initial 189-seater, Boeing announced the launch of a greater capacity 200-seater version of its 737 MAX-8. In order to do be able to do this, strangely perhaps, they will not have to enlarge the fuselage, but simply add a pair of additional doors. How come ?

  • Muscle power versus Boeing 777

    There are several ways to move an airplane on the tarmac: using its engines, which we are all used to seeing, or when taking a powerful V8 Japanese 4x4, or more simply by putting your biceps to the test.

  • The various flight control laws

    In an F.B.W. ( Fly by Wire ) equipped plane, there are three Flight Control Laws, providing greater or lesser pilot assistance. Jean-Michel Roy, a test pilot for Airbus agreed to decipher these various modes for us in the development simulator.

  • New York from the sky

    With its Times Square, skyscrapers and 13,000 yellow cab, New York annually attracts more than 45 million tourists, some of whom, in wanting to see as much as possible of the "Big Apple", in as short a time as possible, often do not hesitate to go over the top, so to speak, as evidenced south of the city, by the incessant helicopters, toing and froing overhead…

  • The Extra 330-SC: world aerobatic champion ‘plane

    The Extra 330-SC is the reigning world champion aerobatic title holder in all categories. This aircraft, which has been produced since 2010 by the German manufacturer Walter Extra, is a small technological jewel weighing under 600 lbs. (270 kg) capable of slicing through the air thanks to its 315 h.p. 6-cylinder Lycoming engine.

  • Surface treatments : why are they necessary?

    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, aircraft parts have undergone surface treatments, but techniques have advanced. And as proof, this is the the engine manufacturer Microturbo's brand new and fully automated workshop.

  • The Caravelle celebrates its 59th birthday

    59 years after its maiden flight, the Caravelle has taken on its livery again, that of a former French airline. This aircraft, the last produced by Sud-Aviation, will soon join the Aeroscopia Museum scheduled to open in the second half of 2014. An occasion for us to take a brief look at its history.

  • Some bacteria survive up to a week in aircraft

    Researchers at the American Society for Microbiology have just completed a study on the resistance in 'planes of two pathogens : Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Respecting the humidity and temperature found on airplanes...

  • Switzerland: Why a referendum for the Gripen ?

    On May 18th., more than five million Swiss citizens went to the polls. A notable referendum to decide on the government purchase of 22 Swedish combat aircraft. The question was simple: "Do you accept the Federal Act of 27th., September 2013, regarding the acquisition of the Gripen fighter ?".

  • Five ''bird-men'' over New York

    On 18th. May, in all legality, five wing-suited members of the Red Bull Air Force flew over Manhattan. At a speed of over 110 mph, these "bird-men" flew over the skyscrapers of New York before their parachute landing on a platform specially installed for the event on the Hudson River. Flight duration: two minutes.

  • Malaysia: third round Red Bull Air Race

    The third round of the Red Bull Air Race took place about twenty kilometres south of Kuala Lumpur on 17th., and 18th., May over the lake at Putrajaya, the administrative capital of Malaysia; and it was with the colossal Putra Mosque as a backdrop that 12 of the world's fastest globetrotters thrilled the spectators...

  • What happens during a flight intercept ?

    Aircraft hijacking ( skyjacking ), transponder failure, leaving an air corridor : a fighter jet has many reasons to intercept a commercial aircraft. On May 4th., a French Air Force Rafale took off from air base 118, seen here in the picture, to provide assistance to an airliner.


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