• The most watched 2015 video reports in the lifestyle category

    aeronewstv is offering the possibility of viewing, or re-viewing, five of the most watched 2015 aviation video reports in the following categories: Industry, Lifestyle, Transport, Events and Employment. Today, the Lifestyle category.

  • What are the static dischargers on airplanes for?

    You may have noticed these tiny sticks on the back of the airplane's wings which look like small antennae. Their number varies according to the size of the plane, and are made in general from carbon. Watch the video. Read the article

  • Young American builds an incredible A380 - in paper

    After making a Boeing 777 made entirely out of paper, a young 24-year old Californian has done the same thing, but this time, with an A380 for Singapore Airlines, including the fuselage, engines and seats - everything down to the last detail. Watch the video and read the article.

  • In aviation, what is called a Demoiselle ?

    The name is rather charming for an airplane: the Demoiselle (Damselfly). This aircraft of yesteryear was built between 1909 and 1910 by Alberto Santos-Dumont (1873-1932). Watch the video and read the article.

  • What is this "barking" noise we occasionally hear on certain Airbus aircraft?

    When an Airbus of the A320 family has only one engine working on the tarmac, you've probably heard a kind of noise that sounds like a dog barking; so what is this noise? Listen to it on the video and read the article to find out where it comes from.

  • An airplane’s brakes attain a maximum temperature of how much ?

    Braking is one of the vital functions of an aircraft. In an emergency it should be possible to stop an aircraft of several hundred tons in the shortest minimum time and distance. Watch the video and read the article.

  • Safety and security, what’s the difference?

    Safety and security are two very different concepts. Yet both are often confused, as demonstrated in this video we recorded at an airport. We provide you with the answer related to aviation.

  • A website for used aircraft parts

    The French startup Aerobay will launch on 20 December a website dedicated to the sale and purchase of used aircraft parts. As the founders explained, it is a sort of aeronautical Ebay.

  • What is a radome ?

    First of all, Radome is a combination of two words. It is an essential part located at the front of commercial, military aircraft and helicopters. To get the answer, watch the video and read the article.

  • Manolo Chrétien: photographer and "visionary" artist

    Through his photographs, Manolo Chrétien has immortalized the effect of time on airplanes. We met the artist at the Fotofever photography exhibition, which was held at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris.

  • How much CO2 is emitted by air transport?

    Since the Paris Conference ( COP21 ) on climate change will be held from 30 November to 11 December 2015, we thought it would be interesting to look into the impact of aviation on our environment. Watch the video and read the article.

  • What is the thickness of a commercial aircraft window?

    In a previous In Your Opinion we gave you the reason for the small hole in the windows of airplanes. Today we focus on the thickness of the glazing. Watch the video. Read the article.

  • How many commercial airports are there in the world ?

    Commercial airports mean those which receive airliners, cargo and business aircraft. We also provide you with the total number of civilian and military airports throughout. Watch the video to have the answer and read the article.

  • What is the cabin altitude of a commercial aircraft ?

    The cabin altitude is the pressure maintained in the cabin of a commercial airliner at cruising speed corresponding to a certain altitude. But what is this altitude ? Find the answer at the end of the video and read the article.

From around the Web
  • VIDEO: Drivers' lucky escape after lorry crash
  • Police: Images show Brussels suspect walking from airport
  • VIDEO: Moment first flight left Brussels airport
  • VIDEO: Plane crash-lands on Californian freeway
  • VIDEO: Inside Brussels airport temporary tent
  • Man in custody after stealing Shaker Heights police cruiser, crashing into officers
Publicité :Safran-2015-v2


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