The ''E-Fan'' was launched, and successfully completed its first public flight in the presence of the Minister of Economy, Anaud Montebourg, with great pomp and ceremony, last Friday 25th., April, in Bordeaux. This electrically propelled 'plane designed, notably with the aid of the Airbus group, is something of an heir to the ''Cri-Cri'' ( another french electric 'plane ).
When the search area to find the wreck of the Malaysia Airlines 777 in the Indian Ocean has finally been precisely defined, the U.S. Navy will put its TPL-25 ( Towed Pinger Locator ) into action. This 35 lb. ( 16 kilos ) triangular probe, developed by Phoenix International, will actually listen to the sea's sound environment at great depths...
Flight at eight times the speed of sound, and with passengers, is the halucinating challenge that the European Space Agency has launched with 16 partners. Since 2005, 17 million euros has been consecrated to the feasibility study of a hypersonic aircraft, called LAPCAT. Unconventional in many ways, the aircraft...
Over the last two years Nanolike, a French "start- up", has been developing miniature sensors, or "nanosensors", that could be applied to the external surfaces of the aircraft within the near future - nanosensors the diameter of a human hair in size and capable of measuring deformation, temperature and humidity !
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