On 6th., June 1944, 11,000 aircraft were involved in the support of the Allied landings in Normandy. On the occasion of the 70th., anniversary of the day that marked history we focus on just some of these aircraft and the role they played.

  • French Air Force pilots training

    This Rafale is taking off from air base 118 (south west France) with two missions : the support of French troops in Mali, and photographing military objectives. The action seems real, except that all this, is in fact, a reconnaissance training exercise organized by the French Air Force...

  • Air Base 118 exercises

    Here are a few images taken at the French air force Air Base 118 showing Mirage F1 and Rafale pilots in preparation of “war time” and “peace time” reconnaissance missions.

  • One billion euros to keep the Rafale at top level

    More than one billion euros is what the the new standard contract called "F3R" for the development of the Rafale weighs. A contract presented to Eric Trappier, Dassault Aviation CEO on 10th., January by the Minister of Defence, Jean- Yves Le Drian, during a visit to the Bordeaux- Merignac Dassault factory plant which carries out the final assembly of the Rafale...

  • The Rafale misses its target in Brazil !

    After Switzerland in 2011, finally, the Rafale will not be exported to Brazil either ! The Swedish Saab Gripen NG was preferred instead. Dassault Aviation will therefore miss out on a contract for 36 combat aircraft, worth $ 4.5 billion.

  • Dassault's Falcon in maritime surveillance operations...

    October 2013 in Djibouti in East Africa, a French Navy Falcon 50M is preparing to take off for a surveillance mission over the Gulf of Aden as part of a mission to fight piracy. Since the early 2000’s, this type of aircraft has conducted maritime surveillance missions, unarmed missions...

  • The C295 Firefighter !

    Airbus Military has just completed a second round of tests of its prototype C295 firefighter. The aircraft manufacturer will examine in detail the data to decide on the final configuration. In the trials the aircraft carried one 3,500 litre tank. Watch the first video. Exclusive !

  • EADS "Defence and Space" to cut thousands of jobs

    To reinforce its competitiveness, E.A.D.S., which is to become "Airbus Group" on 1st., January 2014, will eliminate 5,800 jobs mainly in Germany and France, where the most employees are to be found, and to a lesser extent in the United Kingdom and Spain. In the firing line of the group : the 'Defence and Space' division due to the decrease in that market.

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