The flight lasted only seven minutes but was enough to show the EC645 T2’s potential to the launch customer. On November 27th, 200 metres (600 ft.) above the Airbus Helicopters Donauworth site, 100 kilometres (60 miles) north west of Munich in Germany, the aircraft carried out its first demonstration flight; a hands-on operation to test the manoeuvrability of the new light military helicopter that will equip the a year from now.

  • The Bell Helicopter 505 Jet Ranger X takes off

    It was no coincidence that on November 10th, eve of the opening of the Zhuhai Airshow in China, the American company, Bell Helicopter conducted the maiden flight of the Bell 505 Jet Ranger X. According to our information China will need 5,000 new civil helicopters costing an estimated $50 billion over the next 20 years.

  • One million rose petals over the Statue of Liberty

    On the occasion of the 70th., anniversary of the Normandy landings (France) one million red rose petals were dropped on New York's Statue of Liberty from 3 helicopters. In fact, it was the petals of 70,000 roses or 1,000 for each celebrated year which were thrown into the air. Aeronewstv was there - images without comment.

  • Airbus Helicopters ensures its future in China

    On the occasion of the state visit to France of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Airbus Helicopters can now relax a little and celebrate. The helicopter manufacturer has signed an agreement with Avicopter, the helicopter division of the Chinese Avic Group. The result is a joint industrial co-operation for the production of 1,000 EC-175's...

  • Pierre Bergé: "Helicopters are part of me"

    In an exclusive interview with aeronewstv, the business man and long-time helicopter pilot, Pierre Bergé unveils his "useful" passion, discusses the reasons which led him to choose between fixed-wing aircraft and rotorcraft, and tells us about the different American, French and Italian helicopters he has owned.

  • Eurocopter launches into helicopter leasing !

    Almost imperceptibly, Eurocopter is currently undergoing a small revolution. The group is becoming more and more interested in the helicopter leasing market. Leasing is a form of loan for assets or goods, in this case helicopters, for a period of 3 to 5 years generally...

  • AgustaWestland’s latest arrival !

    Nearly two years after its maiden flight, the Anglo-Italian helicopter manufacturer AgustaWestland is about to deliver their latest newborn: the AW189. This civilian version derived from the current AW149 weighs 8 tons and can accommodate 16 people on board...

  • The world of helicopters does business in the City

    Helicopter, engine and equipment manufacturers of the helicopter sector presented their latest products at the three day Helitech show in London. A quick tour of the stands was a must !

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Safran Group


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