From 3 to 5 November, the bustling, futuristic city-state Singapore, hosted a show dedicated to the maintenance and repair of aircraft (MRO Asia 2015). A show in which Liebherr-Aerospace participated, and who, convinced that Singapore was the best choice, established a centre here for maintenance and repair, 20 years ago.
Ekkehard Pracht, General Manager - Liebherr-Aerospace Singapore: watch the interview in the video.
The German supplier is contractually bound to its clients (airlines) to repair any defective parts within a period of 15 days. A result obtained 95% of the time. When this is not possible, Liebherr-Aerospace replaces the defective part with a new one, as is the case here with this Air Cycle Machine (ACM).
The aircraft maintenance market is booming in Asia, and will reach $ 35 billion in 2025, as against only 20 billion in Europe and North America.
Ekkehard Pracht, General Manager - Liebherr-Aerospace Singapore: watch the interview in the video.
With an increasingly large number of aircraft in the coming years, particularly in Asia, the aviation maintenance business will grow significantly; in which Liebherr-Aerospace intends to form an integral part.