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Denzel Washington in command. 3 months after its release in the United States, "Flight" crashes onto our screens. A film inspired by real events where Denzel Washington plays a, not completely flawless, veteran airline pilot. With "Flight", better fasten your belt, because flight 227 is not quite like the others: due to turbulence, technical problems etc., and that’s not all. At the controls, Denzel Washington, alias Whip Whitaker, will be forced to crash-land - upside down! A feat that, unbelievably, saves the lives of 96 of the 102 occupants! Even though his childhood dream was never to become a pilot, Denzel Washington was impressed by the script. Several weeks of preparation in a simulator were also required before filming. With "Flight", the director of "Forest Gump" and "Back to the Future", put his signature to a film which was inspired by actual events - the crash of an Alaska Airlines aircraft in 2000. Hailed as a hero immediately after the crash, it quickly becomes obvious to Whip Whitaker, that that he will have to give an account of the events in court. The use of drugs and alcohol by pilots can be dangerous for the health their passengers. Released on 2 November last in the United States and Canada, "Flight" is expected to be on the screens in the first quarter of this year throughout the rest of the world. The final approach is imminent.
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Denzel Washington in command


DESCRIPTION : Three months after its release in the United States, "Flight" crashes onto our screens. A film inspired by real events where Denzel Washington plays a, not completely flawless, veteran airline pilot.

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