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Aerobatic females. Aerobatics is not about what sex you are. What matters is your interest and physical condition. To be sure, we went to meet three lady pilots: one a beginner, one an experienced pilot and last, but certainly not least, an instructor. This is what we found out... Myriam, Ariane and Anne-Laure are three unusual ladies you will have more chance of meeting in the air than on the ground. Because they have been flying aerobatics from a very young age. With a pilot father and an air-hostess mother, Ariane, for example, climbed into a plane for the first time at the age of 12… 6 years later she gained her P.P.L - private pilot's license - and has been competing ever since. With around 15 flights under her wing, she will participate in the French aerobatic championships this summer. “Taking any aircraft to its limits is something really very interesting. However, in an aerobatic plane it’s the machine that wants to control you, because you have to contend with 200 horsepower, for this one, and 300 or even more for the others; and suddenly when you sit in this type of plane and push the throttle forward, you really want to see just how far you can go with it.” Loops, barrels, inverted flying; aerobatics is a sport in its own right that's hard to get tired of. Myriam can testify to that. She is an instructor and has clocked up more than 3,600 hours in her 16 years of the discipline. For her there are very few differences between men and women in the air... what counts is physical fitness. "In general it’s whether or not you are an athlete. It’s better to do some form of sport, every day of the year. I go to work by bike and know that doing sport helps me a lot. I do 18kms ( 11 miles ) a day, and people who don’t do any sport find it harder to support the G-forces." Anne-Laure is a beginner in aerobatics, and compares it, in view of the technical aspects, to figure-skating on ice which she did as a child. Today is only her third flight, but she doesn’t feel nervous, yet. "Once in the air, when we execute the figures with an instructor on-board who explains what we do, and must do, we are immediately reassured, especially with this aircraft which is in quite good shape... Even if we make mistakes, it’s a very forgiving plane, and quickly returns to its normal position." Anne-Laure, Myriam and Ariane are not at all ready to give up flying. Aerobatics is like chocolate… hard to say “No” once you’ve tasted it.
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Aerobatic females


DESCRIPTION : Aerobatics is not about what sex you are. What matters is your interest and physical condition. To be sure, we went to meet three lady pilots: one a beginner, one an experienced pilot and last, but certainly not least, an instructor. This is what we found out...

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