EADS "Defence and Space" to cut thousands of jobs To reinforce its competitiveness, E.A.D.S., which is to become "Airbus Group" on 1st., January 2014, will eliminate 5,800 jobs mainly in Germany and France, where the most employees are to be found, and to a lesser extent in the United Kingdom and Spain. In the firing line of the group : the 'Defence and Space' division due to the decrease in that market. To reinforce its competitiveness, E.A.D.S., which is to become "Airbus Group" on 1st., January 2014, will eliminate 5,800 jobs mainly in Germany and France, where the most employees are to be found, and to a lesser extent in the United Kingdom and Spain. In the firing line of the group : the 'Defence and Space', division due to the decrease in that market. Bernhard Gerwert / CEO - Airbus Defence and Space: "The situation is really dramatic, if you look at our competitors in the United States, they are doing the same, and we have to face strong competition, which is why we must act now, and in order to reduce our costs if we want to remain competitive in the international market. This re-organization will allow us to secure our future. By regrouping we will be stronger in the market, <...> we will thus able to offer a comprehensive range to our customers." Internal re-classification measures for up to 1,500 jobs will be proposed at Airbus and Eurocopter; 1,300 temporary contracts will not be renewed and voluntary departure measures will be implemented. Finally, the number of cuts is estimated at between 1,000 and 1,450. Tom ENDERS / CEO - EADS "We will initiate discussions with the social partners, they will occur in 2014 , it will take time, so I think that the job cuts will occur between the second half of 2014 and end of 2016." This re-organization will also result in a significant grouping of sites within the four countries mainly concerned. On this map in green, the existing sites of the Defence & Space division, in red those which are to close, and in black those whose future remains uncertain at present. The Directorate General of the new division will be in place as of 1st., January next year, with the three entities - Airbus Military, Astrium and Cassidian - fully integrated and operational next summer.
EADS "Defence and Space" to cut thousands of jobs
To reinforce its competitiveness, E.A.D.S., which is to become "Airbus Group" on 1st., January 2014, will eliminate 5,800 jobs mainly in Germany and France, where the most employees are to be found, and to a lesser extent in the United Kingdom and Spain. In the firing line of the group : the 'Defence and Space' division due to the decrease in that market.