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150 million for SME’s For the third time, an investment fund dedicated to Small and Medium Enterprises in the aerospace sector has been created. Airbus, the Caisse des Dépôts ( Deposits and Consignments Fund ), Safran, EADS and Eurocopter have decided to release 150 million euros to help in their development. Aerofund 3. The name is not original, but it is explicit. This investment fund is an extension of Aerofund 2. Its objective: to support the development of S.M.E. sub-contractors in the aerospace sector by increasing their capital. And the fund is an asset for the credibility of these companies. Moulas Benoit - President of Agora industries, a beneficiary of Aerofund : "When financial partners see organisations, such as Aerofund, providing financial back-up to our financial capital funds, they know very well that we are part of this technological community of companies, which reassures them about the use of these funds, our strategy, and above all financial health.” To achieve its objective, 150 million euros will be invested in the fund. The financial management is entrusted to a single company, ACE Management, but the money comes from five other sources. The Deposits and Consignments Fund ( Caisse des Dépôts ) has invested 60 million euros; Airbus: 40 million; Safran: 30, and EADS and Eurocopter,10 million each. One way for the giants in the sector to encourage companies who share their vision. Marc Fontaine - Secretary-General to Airbus : “The criteria are, at one and the same time, an amalgamation of criteria of coherence, together with the strategic direction of the industry, and approved by the main or prime contractors; that’s to say that we have a certain view of the consolidation of the sector, it’s the desire of Small and Medium business owners to grow, invest, and support certain industrial reconciliation projects.” For reconciliation, read acquisitions, like that of Mecahers by Mecachrome for example. In early 2012, the transaction was made possible by an increase in the capital of the purchaser. Mecachrome had in effect obtained aid from Aerofund 2.
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DESCRIPTION : For the third time, an investment fund dedicated to Small and Medium Enterprises in the aerospace sector has been created, "Aerofund 3". Airbus, the Caisse des Dépôts (Deposits and Consignments Fund), Safran, EADS and Eurocopter have decided to release 150 million euros to help in their development.

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