The A350's BIG day! It is today that Airbus will fly its new long-haul A350 for the first time... But for several days now, many curious onlookers have been trying to catch a glimpse of the aircraft. Let’s go and join the crowd!… Whether it’s from behind the security fences that enclose Toulouse-Blagnac airport, or from a hill overlooking the runways, all are good places when looking to sneak a preview of the new Airbus star... For several days these fans have met together, often camera in-hand and complete with radio receivers glued to the ear and tuned-in to the control tower frequency. 1 : "I came to spend the afternoon here because the weather’s good. I’m retired - don’t have much to do at the moment, and I like it." 2 : "How long you've been here up here watching out for the A350?”…. …“Oh it's been a few days already, but I haven’t had the opportunity of seeing it yet. I’ve either come too early or too late." 3 : "I’ve come with the hope of seeing the A-350 finally out on the runway. It’s been a while that we've been waiting; it has moved around a bit, but now we’re really waiting for it to finally take-off." And among the curious, Frederick has come especially from the United States to see the A350… And chance has nothing to do with his presence here this afternoon. "I had information that it would roll this afternoon, so the idea was to get as close as possible to the runway to see it.” “-What's it going to do this afternoon?” “Apparently, it’s a high speed run with braking, stopping just before take-off." At long last, after patiently hanging around for 4 hours, the A350 pokes its nose out of the hangar for its last test run. And today is the big day - all, without exception, are waiting to see the twin-jet’s first take-off, and of course, applaud the crew on their return.
A350's Big Day !
DESCRIPTION : It is today that Airbus will fly its new long-haul A350 for the first time... But for several days now, many curious onlookers have been trying to catch a glimpse of the aircraft. Let’s go and join the crowd...