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Bombardier CS100 to fly late June. Bombardier is confident its first test CS100 will make its maiden flight by the end of the month and foresees its entry into service mid-2014... After a slight delay of 6 months from its original schedule, and nearly $ 4 billion invested, the Bombardier C-Series will soon roll out onto the runway. The plane is ready; only the traditional running or taxiing tests need to be carried out. At the end of June, this test C-S100 will make its first flight from Mirabel, a few kilometres northwest of Montreal, in Canada. But time is running out; because if the Canadian air-framer wants to be first off the starting line, with the A-320-Neo and 737-Max, respectively, arriving on the market in 2015 and 2017, Bombardier must bring out its single-aisle as soon as possible. Over the next 20 years the manufacturer hopes to sell 3,500 examples of its C-Series, composed of two 100 to 160-seater versions: the CS-100 and CS-300. At present, this is just the beginning; the programme totals 177 firm orders, but the Paris Airshow could well increase this number. The first C-Series deliveries are expected in just one year’s time; 14 aircraft should leave the assembly lines in 2014, but the manufacturer foresees 200 deliveries, annually, by 2017.

Bombardier CS100 to fly late June


DESCRIPTION : Bombardier is confident its first test CS100 will make its maiden flight by the end of the month and foresees its entry into service mid-2014...

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