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The Patrouille de France puts on its show! For its 60th., anniversary, the Patrouille de France along with seven other world aerobatic teams put on a show in the skies over the Salon de Provence in the south of France last weekend... But what is its main purpose? How does one become a pilot with the elite? Watch the film for the answers!... A big red white and blue “60” to celebrate the 60th., anniversary of the Patrouille de France. An old lady still popular with the public and pilots still proud to belong to this group. The star is the Patrouille itself. For if no-one can cite the name of a pilot belonging to, or having belonged to the Patrouille, the tri-coloured Alpha Jets are world famous. For 60 years, their goal remains the same: to inspire the vocations of others. Commander Raphael Nal - Leader Patrouille de France : "The goal is: to represent the Air Force, the skills of the pilots, and ultimately to create vocations such as we all dreamed of at meetings or displays, and in seeing the Patrouille de France pilots, to recruit young people who are here at today’s 60th., meeting and who, perhaps in 10-15 years, will enter the air force with the red white and blue images of the Patrouille de France or other air-borne squadrons in mind." For 60 years the Patrouille has gained respect in the world of aerobatics, because new figures are created each year; the precision of which always amazes European pilots when performed by the 8 planes in the team. Captain Gael Lachat – “Charognard” ( “Scavenger” ) Swiss Air Force Team. "They always present difficult figures that the spectator who may not be very familiar with aviation probably doesn’t notice, but as a pilot you feel you are up there with them: Whoa! It’s really impressive, because they carry out figures where they fly inverted or put themselves into a vertical axis in the centre of the formation, and frankly that's extremely difficult!" The Patrouille de France is above all a family where friendship is not just an empty word. Pilots must be friends for the show to work. A job cultivated through training on a daily basis and even in the functioning of the squadron. Each pilot can propose stunts, and each one has the same level of responsibility. Commander Jean-Michel Herpin - Pilot Patrol France. "What we always have to bear in mind is the cohesion of the Patrouille de France, it’s something fundamental; the fact that it’s really a group of pilots who are friends on the ground gives us the capability of reaching this level of excellence in the air." Commander Raphael Nal - Leader Patrouille de France. "The goal is that each person really invests themselves and feels involved, in order to fly well and produce something unique in the sky during this series.” Above all, to become a pilot of the Patrouille de France, it’s the commitment that counts - studies much less. The Air Force is committed to training motivated aspiring pilots. Captain Olivier Blanc-Tailleur - Patrouille de France Pilot. "For me, it was after leaving school, all you need is a high school diploma, take the air force tests, and you enter like that and make a career; now, I’ve been in for fifteen years, this is the case for just about everyone in the Patrouille de France, but again, I stress, all it takes is a basic school leaving diploma.” The Patrouille de France is finally a tradition. Unlike other European formation teams, French pilots do not make a career here. Each year, three pilots of the Patrouille de France give up their places to new recruits, proving that any fighter pilot can be trained to excellence.
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The Patrouille de France puts on its show !


DESCRIPTION : For its 60th anniversary, the Patrouille de France along with seven other world aerobatic teams put on a show in the skies over the Salon de Provence (south of France) last weekend... But what is its main purpose ? How does one become a pilot with the elite ? Answers on film !

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