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Hybrid electric aircraft by EADS. To fly tomorrow with still less fuel, less emissions and noise... we must innovate ! EADS spends more than 3 and a half billion euros for research and development. Their latest project : a hybrid - with 100-seater electric aircraft! Details... If we want to fly tomorrow with still less fuel, emissions and noise we have to innovate. E.A.D.S. realizes this and spends more than three and a half billion euros per year on research and development. The group has just inaugurated this this technology showroom near Paris, a sort of “showcase of the future". And what can we expect in 2030? Well, amongst other things, a 100-seater regional hybrid-electric aircraft. To provide the initial start-up power, kerosene, 'green' of course, will be used, leaving a new generation of lithium-air batteries to take over. Jean Botti , Chief Operating Officer Technology and Innovation - EADS "In fact there is a turbine, which drives a generator, providing electricity, which is distributed to the batteries, and then to the electric motors. They will use super-conductivity, so it’s a much more advanced engine technology than that of today; which also increases the power / weight ratio, giving us between 10 and 100 times more power in relation to what we know today." Considering it almost as a learning project, the EADS teams will use the technologies developed in their all-electric two-seater, the E-fan, whose marketing is planned for 2017. It’s unclear at present what this hybrid aircraft will finally look like on the design side; and the same thing goes for its price, which may be more expensive than the aircraft in its class, but the lower maintenance costs involved should allow substantial savings to be made, whilst respecting the planet at the same time.
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Hybrid electric aircraft by EADS...


To fly tomorrow with still less fuel, less emissions and noise... we must innovate ! EADS spends more than 3 and a half billion euros on research and development. Their latest project : a hybrid 100-seater electric aircraft ! Details follow...

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