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New look interiors for private jets. Whilst during the last 5 years the crisis has not spared the market for luxury jets throughout the world, business is gradually improving - just like the interiors of these flying palaces. Ostentatious luxury is definitely a thing of the past. To check this out we visited the Airbus Corporate Jet Centre. This designer has a difficult mission: to create the interiors of his clients’ private aircraft, evoking their dreams where possible, and taking into account their needs, needs that have evolved in recent years. Because an A320 version V.I.P., for example, should, when the time comes be capable of being sold-on by its initial owner ... hence today’s tendency for chromed metal and leather. "... In terms of style, the clichéd image of the V.I.P. aircraft with bird’s-eye maple, gold and wall-to-wall shaggy carpets is beginning to disappear ... for several reasons ... the main one being that our customers travel a lot, staying in hotels, and there has been a huge re-think in the luxury hotel industry regarding the cultural aspects of the various countries, and implementing them with a more contemporary cleaner-lines style, but without being too ostentatious. All the same we still have some customers who have their own specific ideas; someone who loves fish had the idea of putting in an aquarium, however, the big problem was 'weight', together with all the technical requirements which that entails. I also had a client who was an amateur photographer, and whose particular interest was clouds; he asked me to provide a window in the floor of the aircraft ... So I had to tell him that it becomes very complicated when you touch the structure of the aircraft." Unfortunately, for reasons of confidentiality, we cannot show you any of the aircraft interiors in process of being transformed... The clients of the Airbus Corporate Jet Centre, a subsidiary of Airbus since 2007 dedicated to the maintenance of luxury jets and their refitting, wish to preserve their anonymity and privacy. With bathrooms, bedrooms, and workspaces needing to be connected at all times ... the designer must think about everything in the tiniest detail, playing with materials, and colours; and it always starts the same way: with a drawing produced on the clients’ premises in order to gain inspiration from their interior decoration. "Regarding the conceptual and design stage, it’s between 2 and 4 months; often it’s very short, in fact it begins right from the first stroke of the pen. So it's sketches with markers like this, produced directly with the client. Often they appreciate that, because the designer becomes an extension of their imagination." The engineers then take over. Thanks to a computer programme, they produce the cabin virtually; one way to show the customer in a very realistic way how the future interior of the jet will appear. From design to reality, count on an average of 18 months, and a budget of 30 million dollars ... the price of your palace above the clouds.
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New look interiors for private jets


DESCRIPTION : Whilst during the last 5 years the crisis has not spared the market for luxury jets throughout the world, business is gradually improving - just like the interiors of these flying palaces. Ostentatious luxury is definitely a thing of the past. To check this out we visited the Airbus Corporate Jet Centre.

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