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> > > Art & Culture > Meg Ryan’s fear of flying in French Kiss

Video - Meg Ryan’s fear of flying in French Kiss

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The opening scene of French Kiss by Lawrence Kasdan, which was released in 1995, is set in a plane. On board is Kate (Meg Ryan), a history teacher who lives in Toronto and is absolutely petrified of flying. She wants to fly to France to meet up with her fiancé Charlie (Timothy Hutton) who is attending a seminar in Paris and whom she believes is cheating on her. So she has to be brave but it really isn’t easy.

This lively American comedy produced by Twentieth Century Fox won an award in 2009 at the Romantic Film Festival in Paris.

In this extract taken from the very beginning of the film, Meg Ryan is completely stressed out. She’s clutching the armrests of her seat, trying to reassure herself and then loses it completely. We’ll let you see for yourselves.

This topic is still very much alive today. One in four passengers are scared or uncomfortable when flying, despite the fact that this form of transport is by far the safest in the world. 

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